University of Lisbon
Romance Studies
literary reading theory, 19th century french literature, poetic theatre, medical humanities, narrative medicine
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: 157
About Me
Maria de Jesus Cabral is an Assistant Professor and Researcher at the School of Arts and Humanities, Un. Lisbon. She obtained a Ph.D. in Modern Literature with a thesis on Mallarmé’s and Maeterlinck’s theatre (Mallarmé hors frontières, 2005, published at Rodopi) and completed 2 pos-doctoral fellowships in Literary Studies, one focused in the evolution of Poetic Theatre, at University of Coimbra and Antwerpen University (2008-2012), the other focused on the interfaces between Theatre and Medicine, at University of Lisbon (2013-2019). With 25 years of university-taught and research in French and studies, more recently she has dedicated herself to interdisciplinary projects with medical sciences and she is presently the Co-PI of the Project in Medical Humanities SHARE. She has published extensively in the fields of Literary Studies, and Medical Humanities. Her main research interests include Symbolist and Modernist Drama, Poetics of Reading, and relationships between Literature and Medicine. She is one of the founding members and presently co-coordinator of the network LÉA! Lire en Europe Aujourd’hui. She is the President of APEF (Portuguese Association For French Studies) and director of the indexed journal Carnets, revue électronique d'études françaises. She is also a translator from two main languages (Portuguese and French).
- Cabral, Maria de Jesus , “Pour/quoi la littérature ? Utilité de la lecture dans les études en santé,” Médecine Palliative, Soins de support – accompagnement – éthique, Nov. 2020.
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