SCIENTILLA - SCIENTIfic coLLaborative Archive

Posted by Antonio De Luca, community karma 39
Do you feel stressed by the difficulty to figure out what and how your working group is publishing?

Do you want to know how much large and productive a working group around the world is?

Do you find yourself wishing for a more structured and reliable free system to avoid wrong and incomplete data?

Scientilla enables you and your colleagues to organize and share the bibliographic metadata of your scientific production and to collaboratively validate and rank that data together with the scholarly community.

Scientilla empowers administrators to manage and check their organization's productivity output and stand over the activity of their researchers, working groups, laboratories and so on.

Scientilla shows the list of organizations and researchers using the network and their scientific profiles. Any user can easily collect the whole set of data and use it for every kind of analysis.

Scientilla allows you to search for your publications metadata among all the installations and open web repositories of the world, “clone” them with one click in your installation. If you find errors or inconsistencies you can edit and share your corrected versions. Your contribution will change the quality of the information circulating into the network.

Scientilla works through a P2P (peer to peer) open architecture. Software and data will be installed on your computer or on your private server. No one can never lock you out of your data. You will be always granted access to all the scientific world data.

Scientilla is a web application that works from your desktop or your server. It is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. You can download the installation package and run it from your hardware and networking facilities.

Scientilla relies on the most permissive Open Source license, the MIT. All developers have the opportunity to check, improve and expand the software. The development of Scientilla continues constantly and collaborations are really wanted and accepted.

Visit the website to read more and try out the software!
about 10 years ago

1 Comment

Danielle Padula, community karma 473

Thank you for sharing information on this initiative! It's interesting that Scientilla looks at the performance of individual researchers, research teams, and organizations. When was Scientilla launched, and how large is the current user community? Why do you think it is difficult for scientists to know the size and publishing outputs of their working groups?  

about 10 years ago
Hi Danielle, thank you for your interest. Scientilla cannot produce meaningful performance indicators until there is a network full of tidy data. At the moment we focus on creating an open system that allows everyone to share an "index" of their production so that this can be integrated with those of others. In Scientilla everyone can see what others share from other installations in terms of metadata. Moreover, thanks to the automatic comparison algorithm, everyone can also see which version of the publications are the most shared by other installations. Soon users will be even able to collect all the information on their computer and to export them using typical formats like BibTeX, RIS and others. Scientilla has been launched as an Open Source project on GitHub during July 2014 but is just from few weeks that we have reached a technical point were the system started to be really usable and is from just few days that we are currently promoting this solution so that, hopefully, the prospected P2P scientific network could become a reality as soon as possible. The list of the available peers is visible to anyone that would install the software thanks to an internal "World Network" section. At moment we do not even reach one hundred installations. We need the help of the scientific community to demonstrate how helpful could be this kind of network and to drive our efforts in directions that the same community will help us to understand. In the Scientilla team we believe that is often difficult to individuate information regarding the very own scientific production due to typing errors, omissions, duplicated nominatives and even potential lack of data. We think that if every authors and organizations would say "their word" about their publications we could completely clean the data from problems. Authors and organizations are are the best candidates to correct problems into their publications metadata. We have created an open and free system that allows to "clone and refine" publication metadata so that the "most used and probably best" versions can emerge from the entire information circulating into the Scientilla P2P network.
Antonio De Luca – about 10 years ago
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