Ohio Social Studies Review (OCSS's Journal) Call for Papers

Posted by Ohio Social Studies Review OSSR, community karma 469

The editors of the Ohio Social Studies Review, the Ohio Council for the Social Studies’s journal, call for submissions for the coming issues. The Ohio Social Studies Review is published online twice a year, in fall/winter and in spring/summer.

The upcoming issue welcomes manuscripts on all topics focusing on the social studies and related disciplines as well as those written from interdisciplinary perspectives. The editors have special interest in manuscripts authored by teachers or co-authored by researchers and practitioners that highlight practical responses to persistent challenges and understanding in our field. The Ohio Social Studies Review audience consists largely of practicing classroom teachers; therefore, manuscripts that focus on practical applications and/or effectively relate theory to practice will receive preference.

We welcome conference papers and presentation summaries as well. Submissions must comply with the APA Style manual.

In addition, the journal will also consider resource reviews, addressing content related to the social studies. The reviews may address books, movies, video games, learning technologies, or other resources.  Please check the Scholastica site for authors to view the template of required information for resource reviews.

All submissions should come through the journal’s site on Scholastica, as linked in the button below or by using the URL https://ossr.scholasticahq.com/for-authors.  The works submitted must be original and not published previously nor under consideration elsewhere.  All submissions will be reviewed by the editors only prior to submission for peer review.

Additional specific requirements:

●     All submissions must be submitted through the journal’s Scholastica site as linked above. Direct inquiries to the editors should not include a manuscript unless invited.

●     Submissions must adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) style where appropriate.  Please do not let shortcomings in APA knowledge turn you away from submitting; the editors can work with you on this process.

●     Not previously published or under consideration elsewhere.

●     1,500-5,000 words in length for summaries and full length studies; 1,200 words or less for resource reviews.

●     A short biographical sketch of each author. Please see Scholastica for details.

●     Submitted in .doc or .docx format.

Should you have questions related to this call, please contact the editorial team below via ossrjournal@gmail.com


David Wolfford & Sarah Kaka 

over 5 years ago