Posted by Dr.Ramaraj M,
Image mining is an astonishing concept for data mining. For image mining, prior information is more essential to understand the data mining concept. Image mining is associated with extracting implicit information, associations with image data or other patterns not embedded directly in the images. It is the method of analyzing large collections of domain-specific data and consequently extracting information and insights for the decision-making process in the form of new relationships, patterns or clusters. Tiger become a reserved animal. Conservation of tiger has been a challenging task. This work would add a small account to the herculean task of conserving the species. Several scientific researchers have carried out their research on the tiger reserve conservation. This research work proposes a method to find the age of the tiger, using color as a parameter. Color pixel based image classification and clustering techniques has been used to identify the age of the tiger. This research work mainly focuses on RGB color spaces, which is implemented on the real time tiger images. The objective of the research work is to be done on assessing the age of the tiger using the color pixel based image classification and clustering is the main task of the research work and to optimize the image filtering and enhancement methods that are used to remove the noise and to improve the quality of pixels or images and assessing the processing Time, Retrieval Time, Accuracy and Error Rate by generating the better results is real time tiger image database.