Michigan State Law Review: Slots available for April 2016

Posted by Jay Lonick, community karma 57
It's still a few weeks before the Spring submission cycle hits full force, but we have space available now for our April 2016 issue (2016.1). We have at least 1 spot remaining, but may take 2 pieces depending on quality. If you're ready to submit now, we'd be happy to review your articles early.

Keep in mind, we must note that the timeline will be somewhat more accelerated. Therefore, the opportunity for lengthy expedite requests will be unlikely. The upside is your Article will be in hard copy extremely quickly.
about 9 years ago

1 Comment

Steven L. Nelson, community karma 11765
Jay: I have a paper that is in its first draft. I expect to add at least two more paragraphs to the paper, but there are no major edits that I suspect to make before submission. Should I submit to your journal in the current format or wait until the end of the week, when I will have made all of the substantial edits that I am expecting to make prior to submission.
about 9 years ago
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