Journal of Business and Technology Law - Call for Submissions

Posted by Howard Silverman, community karma 69

The Journal of Business & Technology Law is currently accepting manuscripts for Volume 19, Issue I (Fall 2023). Submit your manuscript here

We seek manuscripts that are well-written and contain original analyses that contribute to legal scholarship as well as the general practice of business and technology law. The Journal will give preference to manuscripts that incorporate the intersection of business and technology law, but will also accept innovative works that highlight trending areas in either business law or technology law.

The Journal is published two times per year by the students of the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law.


All submissions should include:

  1. The author's e-mail address, mailing address, and daytime telephone number;
  2. a resume or curriculum vitae;
  3. a brief abstract of the manuscript; and
  4. a copy of the manuscript.

Submissions should be printed on one side of the page only, double-spaced, written in Times 12, and have numbered pages. For electronic submissions, the Journal requires manuscripts to appear in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe PDF (.pdf) format.

Citations in manuscripts should appear in footnotes (not endnotes) and should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed).

Please note we do not accept articles that have been already published on Social Science Research Network (S.S.R.N.).


The Journal carefully considers all manuscript submissions. Although we accept articles year-round, we encourage authors to submit manuscripts through August for the fall issue, and through January for the spring issue.