Call for Submissions- Ohio State Business Law Journal Online ("OSBLJ ONLINE")

Posted by Hala AbdelJaber, community karma 51

Ohio State Business Law Journal Online (“OSBLJ Online”) is the online portion of the Ohio State Business Law Journal—a student-managed publication at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.  

OSBLJ Online aims to provide an easy-to-access and reader-friendly platform for law students, professionals, practitioners, and business professionals to publish and read articles that are targeted at the recent events in business law. OSBLJ Online welcomes submissions from all members of the business law community. 

We are currently soliciting content for our current issue as well as future issues. 

 How to Submit

Via Scholastica or Via email to Please attach a resume or CV with your submissions. Cover letters are optional but preferred.

Topic Areas

We accept articles in business and commercial law concerning U.S. federal law, international law, and Ohio state laws. 

Potential Audiences

Law practitioners, law makers, law school professors and students, business professionals, business school professors and students.

Length Limitations

Each issue of OSBLJ Online will be composed of two types of essays with two length requirements: 

 “Perspectives” are short essays discussing recent business law related events or legal decisions from an analytical, innovative angle. A “Perspectives” article should generally be under 1500 words (excluding footnotes) with analysis on events that took place within the last 6 months. 

“Articles” are longer essays with a word count of 2000 to 5000, excluding footnotes. We accept articles in business and commercial law concerning U.S. federal law, international law, and the state laws of Ohio. 

Citation Format

The most recent edition of the Bluebook.

Publication Format 

OSBLJ Online will only be published in electronic format and made available to the public on

1 Comment

Pierce Gonzalez, community karma 27
Thank you for sharing this opportunity with the Ohio State Business Law Journal Online (OSBLJ Online). It's exciting to see platforms like this fostering discussions and scholarship in business law. For contributors exploring topics like international trade regulations, cross-border transactions, or corporate compliance, integrating insights into global marketing strategies could add substantial value. Understanding how businesses navigate legal frameworks while expanding into international markets is increasingly important in today’s interconnected economy.
2 months ago
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