Call for submissions: Public Services Quarterly

Posted by Angela Weiler, community karma 267
Public Services Quarterly invites original submissions for future issues. Public Services Quarterly is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing original research by professionals in the fields of library science and information studies in order to advance the practice and understanding of public services.
Public Services Quarterly publishes research-based and theoretical articles as well as case studies of successful programs in different areas, including user education, interlibrary loan and other resource-sharing services, innovative applications of technology to public services, and improved access to digitized and electronic collections. Public Services Quarterly publishes strategies for library outreach, including: library instruction and information literacy programs; programming for diverse populations; removing barriers to access; institutional cooperation to share materials; usability testing of resources developed by the library; ensuring accessibility of materials to disabled students; and innovations in reference and information service delivery. Practice-based articles should be thoroughly grounded in the literature and should synthesize  the work done in one library into the larger context of academic libraries.
Peer Review Policy: All articles in regular issues of Public Services Quarterly undergo anonymous double-blind review. Articles in thematic issues undergo double-blind review at the discretion of the special issue editor.
For more information, or for submissions:

                    Angela M. Weiler
          Professor/Librarian – Emeritus
Coulter Library - Onondaga Community College
            State University of New York
  4585 W. Seneca Tnpk., Syracuse, NY 13215 315-498-2334
almost 9 years ago