Call for Submissions: Annals of Air and Space Law (Volume XLIX)

Posted by Jack W Nelson, community karma 291

On behalf of the Co-Editors-in-Chief and the Editorial Board of the Annals of Air and Space Law, I am pleased to announce that we are now accepting submissions for publication in Volume XLIX.

The Annals is a bilingual and peer-reviewed academic journal produced by the Centre for Research in Air and Space Law, McGill University, and published by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Since 1976, the Annals has been devoted to fostering the exchange of ideas pertaining to national and international air and space law.

The Annals is seeking original and unpublished manuscripts that contribute to a diversity of opinions in air and space law, including texts with an international, theoretical, or comparative focus. Past contributors have also translated their experiences in business and regulatory affairs into valuable resources for the purposes of academic study.

We invite you to submit an electronic copy of your work via email to We require that your submission be: 

(a) professionally written in English or in French; 

(b) in Word format (.docx); and

(c) between 6,000 and 12,000 words (including footnotes). 

All footnotes should conform to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (10th edition). Alternatively, authors may state on the first page of their submission that they will conform their submission’s footnotes to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (10th edition) if their submission is selected for publication. Submissions that do not generally conform to these requirements will be rejected by the Editor. Shorter pieces (less than 2,000 words) on topical issues can be submitted to our online publication, the Commentaries on Air and Space Law.

All submissions that pass our initial review are subjected to an anonymous peer-review process conducted by our Editorial Board, in consultation with outside referees. For more information on the Annals, including a list of articles contained in previous issues, please visit the Annals’ website.

The submission deadline for Volume XLIX is 1 September 2024.

11 months ago