CALL FOR PAPERS - Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JLMI) - issue 3/2025

Posted by svitlana zadorozhna, community karma 35

This Call for Papers of the Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JLMI) concerns the third issue to be published at the end of July 2025 and is devoted to Regulatory Initiatives on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products. This issue will be edited by the Editors-in-Chief of the JLMI (Riccardo de Caria and Cristina Poncibò), along with Jacopo Ciani and Silvia Martinelli (Senior-Articles-Editors of the JLMI) as guest co-editor. You can find the call with all the details at the following link:

Regulatory Initiatives on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products

The Call invites contributions on the subject of “Regulatory Initiatives on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products”, to explore the legal frameworks, challenges, and opportunities related to ecodesign, to foster an in-depth understanding of how it can influence economic growth and how it will be integrated in the current legal framework. This Special Section invites scholarly contributions examining the role of emerging sustainability initiatives, and introducing new sustainability requirements and responsibilities, particularly in the EU regulatory framework.

We welcome theoretical, empirical, and case-based approaches that provide a deeper understanding of ecodesign, its practical applications, its challenges and consequences for the economy, and its implications within the current regulatory framework. The Editorial Board will select articles based on the quality of research and writing, diversity, and relevance of the topic. The novelty of the academic contribution is also an essential requirement.

Prospective articles should be submitted as abstracts (around 800 words) or draft articles (see below) to by 21 February 2025. Authors will be notified of the outcome of their submission by 3 March 2025. Final articles shall be delivered by 3 June 2025 and should conform to the journal style guide based on OSCOLA.
Typically, the JLMI accepts contributions within the range of 10.000-15.000 words, including footnotes, but shorter and longer articles will be considered. Submitted articles will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. Before submission, prospective authors are invited to check the JLMI Authors’ guidelines (also concerning simultaneous submission to other journals) and Code of Ethics. For further information, or consultation on a potential submission, please email us at

Authors are required to disclose if they have submitted their article elsewhere, both in case of negative and pending reviews, and promptly update the editorial board of any changes in this regard, throughout the whole editorial process with the JLMI.