Call for Papers: Criminal Law Bulletin Symposium Issue on Race, Ethnicity, and Criminal Justice

Posted by Henry Fradella, community karma 10249

The Criminal Law Bulletin seeks papers for a special issue devoted to the intersection of race and ethnicity in the criminal-legal context. Recent acts of violence against people of color demonstrate that race continues to impact how people are treated in their interactions with criminal legal system actors.  We are particularly interested in manuscripts that examine policing (stops, arrests, use-of-force, police reform) or racial and ethnic disparities in criminal court processes.

The journal welcomes unsolicited submissions from both legal and social science scholars, as well as from justice practitioners, law students, and graduate students in criminology, criminal justice, and related fields.  Although the editors will consider manuscripts of any length between 3,000 and 25,000 words, they prefer manuscripts containing between 5,000 and 15,000 words, inclusive of text, footnotes, tables, and figures. Citations in manuscripts should appear in consecutively numbered footnotes (not endnotes), and follow the style and conventions of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015). Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word and either uploaded via Scholastica or emailed to

All manuscripts undergo a quick internal review to determine their potential fit with the Criminal Law Bulletin’s mission. Manuscripts that are under consideration for publication may be accepted by the editors or, at the request of any submitter, may be sent for peer review.
about 4 years ago