Arizona State Law Journal: Call for Submissions

Posted by James Cromley, community karma 71

The Arizona State Law Journal is now accepting submissions for its 2019-2020 issues!

We welcome general submissions on the law and law-related topics. The Journal usually publishes four issues each year (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter). We exclusively use Scholastica for submission of articles. Please limit your submission to 30,000 words or fewer. Please include a resume.

Text and footnotes should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015). Submissions are reviewed throughout the school year on a rolling basis. We do our best to accommodate expedite requests, but we do not guarantee we will finish the review process by the deadlines.

Feel free to contact the Executive Articles Editor, James Cromley, at with any questions about our review and submission process.

almost 6 years ago